Abandoned Tesla Cybertruck Becomes Tourist Destination In Seattle
- by Jalopnik
- Sep 09, 2024
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Say what you will about the Tesla Cybertruck
, but one thing is undeniable: the damn thing is attention-grabbing, and that’s especially true for one wrecked Cybertruck Tesla Is Underperforming And Wall Street Isn't Excited About It
It’s likely that this saga will be coming to an end soon, though. The truck has been reported as abandoned to the city, according to a Reddit post. Officials attempted to notify its owner that the truck would be towed
unless it was moved – written on an orange sticker and placed near its big-ass windshield wiper.
One Reddit user says they actually talked to the owner on Sunday evening. Keep in mind, we cannot verify this interaction actually happened, but it sure would be a weird thing to lie about. Here’s what they said:
I went by there this evening on my way to dinner. The owner was outside and was not happy we were there. He said a kid hit his CT a few weeks ago and was still trying to figure out the insurance to get it fixed. He said people having been harassing him and his wife the past few days and he didn’t understand why. We told him his truck was all over Reddit and he got even madder. We left pretty quickly.
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