Tesla Giga Berlin worker council gets a win as 500 temp workers are made permanent
- by Electrek
- Oct 10, 2024
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Earlier this year, a majority of Tesla Gigafactory Berlin workers voted against union representatives of IG Metall in their new work council, but the union has still made significant progress securing about 40% of the seats on the council.
Tesla. which is notoriously anti-unions, made sure to let everyone know that IG Metall had nothing to do with this decision to permanently hire 500 current temporary workers.
It’s more about the company’s confidence in its business. Tesla said:
At a time when many companies are talking about job cuts and plant closures, the news that a further 500 people will be offered a long-term perspective at Tesla in a permanent position is particularly pleasing.
At Gigafactory Berlin, Tesla is currently only producing the Model Y for European markets. The production rate is believed to be about 5,000 units per week.
The company employs about 12,000 people at the factory.
CEO Elon Musk said earlier this year that Tesla might bring production of the Tesla Semi, its electric class 8 truck, at the factory for European distribution.
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