'The US has swung from fighting global warming to championing artificial intelligence'
- by Le Monde.fr
- Jan 16, 2025
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ortunately, Europeans have Elon Musk, who allows them to lie to themselves a little longer. Of course, Emmanuel Macron and his peers are right to denounce this "new reactionary international" serving Donald Trump, who wants to destabilize political structures in Europe. But Musk's obsession cannot mask two undoubtedly more disturbing realities. Firstly, the Tesla, SpaceX and X boss is not alone: the whole of Trump's America is sounding the death knell on Europe; secondly, it is Europe, in full stall since the turn of the century, who is largely responsible for its ill-fated destiny, and the collapse of the German model is the trigger.
That, at least, is the view of conservative America. "Nations prepare for a post-European world," wrote Wall Street Journal columnist Walter Russell Mead, noting that "Trump recognizes that the Continent has abdicated its role in history." With an air of "I told you so," the editorialist detailed the American assessment of Europe, economically unhinged, unable to keep the promises of its costly social model, destabilized by migration, driven out of Africa and at the mercy of Russia. "Under the circumstances, it's easy to understand the schadenfreude with which much of MAGA [Make American Great Again] World regards a weakened and demoralized Europe."
"The contempt with which Germany and the European establishment generally rejected President Trump's correct and important criticisms of misguided European foreign and domestic policies still rankles," the editorialist continued.
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